Maypop Movie Night
Bring a craft and enjoy a cozy night at the studio. Movie TBA!
$5/person includes popcorn & snacks. Bring your own beverage!
Maypop Movie Night
Bring a craft and enjoy a cozy night at the studio. Movie TBA!
$5/person includes popcorn & snacks. Bring your own beverage!
weekly craft circle
A free, weekly craft circle open to folks of all skill levels and genders. Bring your own craft and share in the joy of creating together.
weekly craft circle
A free, weekly craft circle open to folks of all skill levels and genders. Bring your own craft and share in the joy of creating together.
weekly craft circle
A free, weekly craft circle open to folks of all skill levels and genders. Bring your own craft and share in the joy of creating together.
weekly craft circle
A free, weekly craft circle open to folks of all skill levels and genders. Bring your own craft and share in the joy of creating together.
weekly craft circle
A free, weekly craft circle open to folks of all skill levels and genders. Bring your own craft and share in the joy of creating together.
weekly craft circle
A free, weekly craft circle open to folks of all skill levels and genders. Bring your own craft and share in the joy of creating together.
weekly craft circle
A free, weekly craft circle open to folks of all skill levels and genders. Bring your own craft and share in the joy of creating together.
intro to knitting
Join us for a 4-week beginner knitting session! This class is intended for folks with little or no knitting experience. View the details here.